Carpets: No other item in your home absorbs more wear and tear on a daily basis than your carpet, and no other item can impact your home's appearance like your carpet can. Unfortunately, many consumers ignore the warning signs until it's too late. Cape Cleaning Services recommends that homeowners follow a few steps to keep up the appearance of their carpets:
  • Have your carpets cleaned professionally at least once per year.
  • Vacuum carpets at least once per week.
  • Use doormats.
  • Protect the surface of your carpets with a protector such as Scotchgard.
  • Rotate furniture: Premature wear takes place when traffic paths are unchanged.
  • Blot up spills when they occur, never rub or scrub, you may set the stain further.
  • Dry wet spots immediately to prevent watermarks. Blot with a dry, clean cloth or use a hair drye

Upholstery & Drapes: Your furniture upholstery and window drapery are major investments that you have made to improve the appearance of your home. Cleaning and maintaining these investments are sometimes difficult to do. The professionals at Cape Cleaning Services can help you with these tips for keeping your upholstery and drapes looking their best.

  1. Vacuum furniture and drapes often. Dust and dirt can damage fabrics permanently and preventing this damage is the best way to protect your investment.
  2. Blot up spills immediately. Spills or spots left unattended may set as stains. Blot spills, never rub.
  3. Avoid placing your furniture in direct sunlight. Modern fabrics are usually very resistant to sunlight, however, under extreme exposure, even these can show signs of fading.
  4. Plump and rotate cushions often to ensure a longer life

Fire & Water Clean Up: A kitchen fire causes fire, smoke, and water damage to walls, surfaces, and cookware... a hurricane scatters broken glass and debris in a family room, while water soaks paneling and rugs... rising flood waters from a rain-swollen river turn carpets to a muddy, mucky mess.
Water Damage Emergency Tips

  • Blot or mop excess water.
  • Remove and prop up wet upholstered cushions for even drying.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and carpeting.
  • Wipe excess water from furniture.
  • Open drawers and cabinet doors for complete drying.
  • Remove valuable paintings and art objects to a safe place.


  • Use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Use TV's or other appliances while standing on wet carpet or floors.
  • Leave books, magazines, or any colored items on wet carpets or floors.
  • Turn on ceiling fixtures (if ceiling is wet).
  • Leave wet fabrics in place.
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